Tuesday, November 18, 2014

More SDL Success

My students are really beginning to appreciate the blog and its power. It started with a class from England joining our blog roll. This was a connection I made through Twitter. My students went to their site and looked at their blog roll. There was a buzz in the room when they saw classes from New Zealand and China among others. Two students ran over to me to share what they had found and I told them to share it with the class. We got the students' attention and the two students excitedly explained what they found and how they found it. The class was hooting and very enthusiastic about truly going global with the blogs. 

Some cool SDL developments this week:

One student shared this awesome video that is an example of the stop motion animation he is working on. 


Another student visited our local t.v. station to try out the green screen and work on his project.


A student studying sharks found something that breaks his heart, the killing of sharks for their fins. Here is his website that he recently created about this problem.

We also have an email with five student-created questions sent to a very famous magician who may be answering soon. Thank you to my friend who knows this very famous magician!!

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