Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Blogging Rubric

Here is the blogging rubric that I created for my students' self directed learning blogs. It is a work in progress. I was inspired by an article I saw on Twitter, "Your Rubric is a Hot Mess: Here's How to Fix It," posted by Jennifer Gonzalez. The single point rubric is just brilliant! We tend to look at the "Meets" column while grading a rubric, so why not just have that on the rubric with space for not meeting and a space for exceeding. Our report cards are standards based anyway, so this is more organic/informative about each child's progress. As much as possible, I used the language on our report cards...common core standards. I recommend the article and feel free to use and tweak this rubric for your needs.

Blogging Rubric


Student: ____________________________                          Month: __________________


Room to Grow
Progress Towards Standard
On Target
Standards for this Performance
Above and Beyond
Evidence of Exceeding Standards
Criteria 1:
Clear and Coherent Writing
The student clearly expresses original ideas and stays on topic. Writing is appropriate for the audience. Each post has at least 5 sentences.
Criteria 2:
The student wrote at least one post a week.
Criteria 3:
Follows the Writing Process
The student’s posts show improvement from planning to final draft due to drafting, revising, and editing.
Criteria 4:
Prod./Distribution of Writing
The student commented on other blogs at least once a week. If applicable, the student cited others in their research and writing.
Criteria 5:
Use of Media
The student enhanced their blog by regularly using video, audio, images or other media


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